we don't disco like we used to

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Really Ke$ha?

If someone had told me that I would one day be blogging Ke$ha-Fuck it, Anyway the original is absurdly annoying and reminds me why young girls are terrible human beings, but this remix by Comsic Dawn makes it so much more bearable and it has an almost eurobeat thing to it. You can definitely play this at a party and get some bodies moving. Check it out.

Ke$ha - We R Who We R (Cosmic Dawn Remix) [MediaFire] - left click

Also here's the video so you can see how much the original sucks. Sorry.


ILoseMySelf said...

I would'nt necessarily say young girls are terrible human beings..... I just think talentless stuck up narcissistic young ladies are terrible human beings.LOL. We can prove there are alot of those in the music industry...unfortunetly.

ILoseMySelf said...

Loved the remix by the way.

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